
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Review // Reseña: Vichy Teint Ideal Compact Powder

El otro día que pasé a la farmacia dermatológica para reponer un jabón de cara que ya casi se acaba y en eso, pasé por el mostrador de productos Vichy. Como buena #beautyjunkie, tuve que pasar y ver todos los productos y me alegra haberlo hecho porque descubrí un nuevo favorito. Mi polvo actual de MAC casi se esta acaba y aunque no estaba exactamente buscando uno nuevo, vi este polvo de la marca Vichy.

Como lo he mencionado en veces anteriores mi piel es mixta y con un poco de tendencia a acné pero no me gusta la cobertura alta porque siento que me queda como máscara. Lo que me llamó la atención de este polvo es que tiene una buena cobertura pero esta diseñado para ser luminoso, controlar el brillo sin ser de acabado mate y tiene protector solar. Me gustó mucho y creo que es perfecto para los meses que vienen donde la piel tiende a tener más brotes. El precio se me hizo bastante razonable y viene con un práctico espejo para retocarlo en el camino. Se puede usar solo o sobre corrector, BB cream o si quieres un acabado perfecto, sobre una base normal de maquillaje. El único contra de este producto es la gama de tonos, afortunadamente yo encontré mi tono (el número 3) pero viene bastante reducida la gama de tonos. Si tienes suerte y encuentras tu tono, sin duda es una opción muy recomendable para usar diario sin preocuparte por agravar tu piel.
Sin duda, estaré probando pronto otros productos cosméticos de esta marca. 

¿Han probado algo que les encante de Vichy? ¿Cuál es su polvo favorito del momento?

The other day I went to the drugstore because I was running out of my face soap and as I was browsing I saw the Vichy counter. As a good #beautyjunkie, I had to check every product and I’m very glad I did because I discovered a new favorite. My current MAC face powder is almost gone and even though I wasn’t looking for a new one, I saw this Vichy face powder.

As I’ve mentioned previous times, I have combination and acne prone skin but I hate heavy coverage because I feel like I’m wearing a mask. The thing that drew my attention to this product was that it has a good coverage but it’s still luminous, it controls shine without being matte and has sun protection. I like it a lot and I think it’ll be perfect for the coming mother where the skin tends to be more problematic. I found the price reasonable and it comes with a practical mirror for retouching on the road. You can use it on its own, over concealer, BB cream or if you want a full coverage, over your normal foundation. The only con about this product is the shade range, fortunately I found my shade (number 3) but the shade range it’s pretty small. If you are lucky and find your tone, it’s without a doubt a very good product for an everyday makeup without worrying about your skin. 
Without a doubt, soon I'll be testing other cosmetic products from this brand. 

Have you tried anything that you love from Vichy? What's your favorite current powder?  

Este es el polvo en mi piel, es practicamente indetectable.

This is the powder in my skin, it's undetectable.

Gracias por sus comentarios // Thanks for your comments  :) 


  1. I've never seen this powder before but it sounds really good from your review, just a shame the shade range is limited.

    Kristy |

    1. Yes, it would be great if they had more lighter and darker shades, but it´s an amazing product!

  2. I love the packaging for this product, and it looks amazing!

  3. Yo no uso nada de maquillaje por las pecas y tal jajaja pero está bien saberlo!

    Hannah's Heels

    1. Es bastante ligero, y tiene protección solar también :) !

  4. Sounds like a great product! Thanks for the comprehensive review!

    Rae | love from berlin


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  6. Sounds like a fab compact! Great review :) x

    The Belle Narrative

  7. Wow looks great! I'd need a lighter shade but this looks wonderful. :)

    Erin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty

    1. If you find your shade, it's a really good powder foundation !

  8. The powder looks very nice! Not sure if it's available where I live though, their skin care line is but I haven't seen any makeup.

  9. Replies
    1. It is, it has been my go to powder lately ;)

  10. I have always wanted to try the Vichy Dermablend but I can't find the shade for me. Have heard good review about the brand and this one you posted seems to sound like a good one too. Thanks for the review Rosa.

    Jo | Say Cheesy Cake
    Instagram: saycheesycake
    Say Cheesy Cake on Bloglovin

    1. Your welcome! The lady in the counter told me that this is like the lighter more luminous sister of Dermablend, it's less matte but it looks more natural :)

  11. Awesome review, thanks of sharing !

  12. beautiful product !

    I am following you now!

  13. What a beautiful product :)

  14. This product sounds and looks amazing wish they sold it where i live!

    Have a nice day!
    - Rebecca xxx

  15. This product looks wonderful! Great review, loved reading this. xo // Naomi in Wonderland

  16. interesting brand.. nice goundation review...


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    1. Yes, it's the first thing I've tried from them but I loved it

  17. I can always rely on Vichy products, I'm sure this powder is great too.

    xx Cheryl

